-Carry Weight was adjusted to aleviate some low level carry weight issues.
-"Game Date" advanced to 2300s. 1/1/2300 is the creation date of MicroMUSE
(approx 1992 Real Time) typing weather will show the current date.
-Function Recursion Limit Increased (relevant change for coders only)
Todolist Items Cleared
Mining_Install...........Added-May 12 2022 by-Ard: Mining tests for upgrading
mining dig tracking have been a resounding success mining is currently in
redesign. - Update-May 15 2022 by-newbie: All tests completed upgrade of mining
will be an ongoing concern. It appears to be fully functional therefore
eligible for completion. - May 15 2022
VI_Support...............Added-Mar 30 2022 by-Ard: Defed RCP to hold
visual_imapaired attr. New Chars/Guests need to be given ability to set attr on
connect. Created VI_Discriptor Parent(#2933) which will hold a switch on @desc
which will allow showing based on vi status (creation ongoing see parent for
details). Added visimpair() to uzo will get v#, visual_impaired status. All
ascii art descs should be transitioned to vi parent. - Update-Apr 13 2022
by-Ard: Added visimp() to extra function combat parent (therefore UZO). - May
18 2022
Tourguide................Added-May 12 2022 by-Ard: Tourguide tours are almost
fully refurbished. Rewards need added to tours and testing needs run. -
Update-May 15 2022 by-newbie: All three tours have rewards now, and there is a
bonus reward for completing all three activated when you leave Agency after
taking all 3 tours. - May 15 2022
Radiation................Added-May 12 2022 by-Ard: Radiation condition and
damages have been added. Further testing will be ongoing as to protection from
radiation damage and fruther intergration into the overall system. - Update-May
15 2022 by-newbie: Irridiation condition working correctly. Elemental will need
more work. Closed for now. - May 15 2022
Vendor_Rehab.............Added-Apr 08 2022 by-Ard: Vendors around the mare need
to be updated. A parent will be created so it can pay vendor owners as a power
toon will need to own all vending machines going forward. Any food should be
changed to food items. Any things set chown now should be auto chowned to
buyer. - Update-May 12 2022 by-Ard: Vend-O-Matic parent created for now that
will be good enough. Object vendors and pay back item vendors will wait until
there is a demand for said features. - May 12 2022
Fishing..................Added-May 22 2022 by-Ard: Corrected Error where
Fishing was not awarded when purchasing fishing rod. - May 22 2022
Tours....................Added-May 22 2022 by-Ard: Error allowing multiple
awards of Tour Rewards. Correction ongoing. - Update-May 22 2022 by-Ard:
Problem appears corrected. Testing ongoing. - May 22 2022
Wilsey_Lake_upgrade......Added-Apr 12 2022 by-Ard: This area has a nice
"underwater" can be made real, by setting it "underwater" oh trust me.. I don't
make players temp invulnearable (long as their rented airtank lasts) they'll
drown. There's a sub and pirate ship under there to explore and make quests,
will need some rooms added to them. Also can be used with other simulations as
fishing areas. - Update-Apr 23 2022 by-Ard: Added Pirate ship rooms at bottom
of lake, added under lake zone, all rooms down there should be inzone. Dug bait
shop. Need to add variable exits in underwater to expand the rooms. depth sub
plane so plane # is a - number. @notes added to most incomplete objs. -
Update-May 01 2022 by-Ard: Quest fully installed. New lake rooms need
described. Marked as completed. Those can be left for Citizen describing for
credits. - May 01 2022
Sectors..................Added-Apr 14 2022 by-Ard: Once Sector DB is finalized
(Expected by 4/15/2022) all zones will need to be properly zoned. Any space
zones need to be set space, statsions Station, Ships ship. - May 01 2022
Explore_Bits.............Added-Apr 14 2022 by-Ard: Put Explore Bits on rooms.
This should be done in "batches" so main locations can be added first then
alternate locations. like MTL then all secs/arcs in order should be 1st to get
bitmaps. once that's all done. All Luna base, then the surface. Ect until all
bases are completed. - Update-May 01 2022 by-Ard: This will continue to be an
ongoing project. Closing to clear it off todo list. - May 01 2022
New_Fish.................Added-Apr 14 2022 by-Ard: There were fish G had listed
in his helpfile he said I could steal. When added they will need described and
the rest. - May 02 2022
CCII_Weather_Core........Added-Apr 27 2022 by-Ard: Core Appears to have been
Objects, if there were exits in them is unknown, however most objects on the
core list do not exist anymore and the one that does it an exit somewhere, so
core must have been removed log ago. Core Redug with Real rooms, need to be
added to U in skyroom to send to appropriate core, cores need Sky exits put in
them. I might have to examine micro's weather core 0 if it's exits still exist.
- May 13 2022
Cyber_Fun_Park...........Added-Apr 28 2022 by-Ard: Added color, edited the
rides to switch "exit" command to depart. Edited circus enter to reflect actual
number of coded "rings". moved #1343 to plane 10 for redesign. - Update-May 16
2022 by-Ard: Update proceeding need to fix a switch for the final awards.
Update to watch vendor will have to wait, watch will be converted to a
equipment instead of object, wrist type. Then watch, cotton candy and hot dogs
can be sold at the vendor there. - Update-May 18 2022 by-Ard: All rewards
impletmented. Vendor needs fixed. Low priority. Project future project updates
will wait till any bug reports. - May 18 2022
CCII_search..............Added-Apr 29 2022 by-Ard: Added parts for treasure for
searching in CCII Main zone. Rarity added to various parts. - Apr 30 2022