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Micromare who list

2022/06/21 Changelog

Updates to Space:

 Adding data to objects systems outside Sol

 Testing on docking/landing

Other major changes:

 Tutorial Section Opened with exp rewards added.

 Mining in testing stages on multiple worlds.

 Pressure suit vendor installed on Luna.

-todolist changelog below


vend-o-matic.............Added-May 24 2022 by-Ard: add to vend o an oemit obj

gives player item. - Jun 03 2022


Guest_NewPlayers.........Added-Mar 29 2022 by-Ard: Clean up and fix #2020 so

guests and new players can connect there. everythign should end up in MTL

#37055. Currently The End Lies Ahead(#5922R) is broken. assume other choice in

have you played muse before is too. Update "have you played muse" to have you

played mare and update with colors and such. Until completed NP and G will

connect to MTL High Priority - Update-Jun 18 2022 by-Ard: Fixed "transport

command" at end of Users Familiar with MUSE path. Exploring and making plan for

next section. Edits will need to be made on Adesc and other things like use of

semi colons when not needed. - Update-Jun 19 2022 by-Ard: Added rewards for

interactions along path. Open for testing - Jun 19 2022


Nest_Parent_Upgrade......Added-Jun 02 2022 by-Ard: Upgrading Nest Parent to

match new temporary usage code. Adding features to limit encounters. Updating

settings to reflect previous code changes not reflected in Dust's parent. -

Update-Jun 04 2022 by-Ard: Searchable Nest Parent(#12067) created. Monster

summoning on nest parents can now be turned off. Nuper Nest(#12689) created for

testing and example purposes. - Update-Jun 19 2022 by-Ard: Need to change rands

to make it "always award" capable or higher rands for more digits. the lsearch

needs to be corrected to work with new code and make sure does not overlap with

forage command warning. Forage uses standard lsearch match which could be

problematic. - Jun 19 2022


vend-o-matic_2...........Added-Jun 04 2022 by-Ard: VI menu needs fixed.

displays #-1 Bad spell number. instead of price - Jun 19 2022


Lakeside_Bait............Added-Jun 04 2022 by-Ard: Modifications on Bait Shop

of Wilsey Lake. Changed location of Vendo-o child from room to bait dealer.

Fixed "fishing skill check" portion of code to reflect vend-o-matic sell oemit.

Testing under way. - Jun 04 2022


caspian_softcode.........Added-Jun 04 2022 by-Ard: Softcode added to caspian to

make his paging functions work. He will now come to players if he can get to

their location. He will instruct players to use +ch robot for other queries.

More functionality may be added later. - Jun 16 2022


Error_In_Changelog.......Added-Jun 16 2022 by-Ard: Error in Changelog defattrs,

it's reading one as being there that don't come up in the list. These will need

all removed and the original objs will need to be totally cleaned. High

Priority - Update-Jun 21 2022 by-Ard: Assumption is this issue will be fixed by

purging the entire todolist. any items not completed will stay off the todolist

until they are closer to completion. - Jun 21 2022
